sexta-feira, 19 de dezembro de 2014


Hello folks,

As Férias chegaram!!! Let´s enjoy!

As Férias serão do dia 22 de Dezembro de 2014 até o dia 9 de Janeiro 2015.

Retorno às aulas a partir de 2ª Feira, dia 12 de Janeiro de 2015

quinta-feira, 27 de novembro de 2014


Today is Thanksgiving! Let´s learn a little about this special Holiday to Americans!

And much more in:

terça-feira, 4 de novembro de 2014


Hello folks,

As Férias chegaram!!! Let´s enjoy!

As Férias serão do dia 22 de Dezembro de 2014 até o dia 9 de Janeiro 2015.

Retorno às aulas a partir de 2ª Feira, dia 12 de Janeiro de 2015

terça-feira, 21 de outubro de 2014


Hi Folks,

From now on we are going to work with music more often in our classes, because music is part of our lives and make us happier, 
don´t you agree?

To start we are going to work with a beautiful Beatle´s song. You can watch the video below and start practicing. Next class we are going to do an activity of this song together!

So, let´s listen, sing and have fun!!



quinta-feira, 25 de setembro de 2014

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

Isn't it cute? I loved it!

Now, Let´s complete the song:

Complete the song with the words below:




Little (2x)




Wonder (2x)


Twinkle, twinkle,_____________ star

How I ________________ what you are

Up _____________ the world so ___________

Like a _____________ in the _______________

Twinkle, twinkle little ________________

How I wonder _________ you are

segunda-feira, 14 de julho de 2014

quarta-feira, 28 de maio de 2014


Muchas cosas están siendo dichas acerca de la copa, vamos a ver algunas de ellas:

A 15 días del Mundial, la Policía brasileña usa gases lacrimógenos en una manifestación

  • Los manifestantes querían ir al estadio de Brasilia donde exhibían la Copa del Mundo
  • Protestaban por el elevado coste del recinto que triplicó el presupuesto inicial
  • A dos semanas del inicio, las protestas por el Mundial son habituales
Ampliar fotoProtestas mundial
Imagenes de los altercados en las cercanías del estadio Nacional de Brasilia.AFP PHOTO/Evaristo SA
AGENCIAS 28.05.2014 - 11:42h
La Policía brasileña lanzó gases lacrimógenos este martes para contener a manifestantes contra el Mundial de fútbol que intentaron llegar hacia el estadio de Brasilia, donde se exhibía la Copa del Mundo que se adjudicará el ganador del torneo que termina el 13 de julio.
La protesta, llevada a cabo por más de mil personas, se produjo en  plena hora punta de mayor tráfico de vehículos en los alrededores del  Estadio Nacional Mané Garrincha, el recinto más caro para el evento que comienza dentro de 15 días, situado en el mayor centro de negocios de Sudamérica.
La protesta en Brasilia se produjo tras una marcha pacífica liderada por el mismo grupo que lo hiciese en Sao Paulo la semana  pasada. Una gran cantidad de aficionados locales hicieron fila en el estadio de Brasilia para ver la Copa que entrega la FIFA al campeón del mundo, que viaja por las 12 ciudades sede del torneo, pero la manifestación obligó a las autoridades a cancelar el evento y cerrar el estadio.
Sumándose a la tensión, indígenas vestidos con tradicionales ropas tribales y que portaban arcos y flechas, se unieron a los manifestantes del movimiento 'Trabajadores sin Techo', un grupo que protestó por el elevado coste que ha supuesto la construcción de los estadios para la Copa del Mundo, lo que provocó un incremento general en los precios y obligó a familias de bajos recursos a abandonar sus hogares.
Un portavoz de la Policía militar dijo que la protesta del martes comenzó pacíficamente y que se intentó contener la marcha con gases  lacrimógenos y con agentes de seguridad con escudos. Finalmente, los manifestantes se dispersaron.
El estadio de Brasilia costará casi 850 millones de dólares cuando quede completamente finalizado tras la Copa del Mundo, según auditores de la ciudad en un informe publicado la semana pasada, un precio que supera casi tres veces el presupuesto inicial.
Brasil trabaja contra el reloj para finalizar a tiempo sus estadios y los sistemas de transporte urbano en un clima de creciente desobediencia civil de parte de grupos que buscan interrumpir el Mundial, asegurando que el coste es excesivo para un país en desarrollo.
Con la llegada del Mundial como contexto, también los conductores de autobuses en Río de Janeiro aseguraron el martes que iniciarían una huelga de 24 horas a partir de la medianoche, mientras que un grupo de profesores marchó por la autopista principal de Sao Paulo para exigir un aumento salarial.

La seguridad, un problema para el Mundial de Brasil

27 may 2014

Los consulados de Alemania, Argentina o Estados Unidos advierten a sus ciudadanos 
sobre los robos que pueden sufrir, en unas recomendaciones que algunos llaman
 "el manual de la selva". Al tiempo, en Brasil se realizan las ultimas pruebas sobre el 
despliegue de seguridad para la Copa del Mundo de fútbol. (27/05/14)

Ronaldo se enfrenta a Dilma Rouseff por la organización del Mundial

27 may 2014

Llueve sobre mojado porque hace unos días Ronaldo dijo que se avergonzaba de los atrasos
 en las obras del Mundial, lo que provocó una respuesta tensa de la propia presidenta de 
Brasil Dilma Rouseff, quien le contestó que "no había motivos para venguenza ninguna y
 volvió a decir su frase más repetida, que "esta será la Copa de las Copas". Ahora Ronaldo 
ha ido más lejos.  Ha dicho que está harto de corrupción y ha animado a los brasileños 
a que en las elecciones, que son en cinco meses, castiguen a los políticos en las urnas. 

quarta-feira, 16 de abril de 2014


Shalom - Celebramos Pesaj, la Pascua judía

13 abr 2014 - RTVE

Los judíos de todo el mundo celebramos en estas fechas la fiesta por excelencia de nuestro pueblo, El Pesaj. Momento en que el pueblo judío sale de Egipto, de la esclavitud, para convertirse en seres libres cuyos pasos se dirigen a la Tierra Prometida, la Tierra de Israel.


Easter is the most important festival in the Christian calendar. It celebrates the resurrection from the dead of Jesus, three days after he was executed. The Easter story is at the heart of Christianity.
Easter Sunday
The Carrying of the Cross (aka Road to Calvary) by Simone Martini
Easter Sunday marks Jesus' resurrection.
After Jesus was crucified on the Friday (now known as Good Friday), his body was taken down from the cross, and buried in a cave tomb. The tomb was guarded by Roman Soldiers and an enormous stone was put over the entrance, so that no-one could steal the body.
On the Sunday, Mary Magdalene, followed later by some of Jesus' disciples visited the tomb and found that the stone had been moved, and that Jesus' body had gone.
Jesus himself was seen that day by Mary and the disciples, and for forty days afterwards by many people. His followers realised that God had raised Jesus from the dead. Christians call this the Resurrection.
The week leading up to Easter is called Holy Week.

Holy Week

Palm Sunday
Jerusalem skylineThis is the Sunday before Easter Day.
It is the first day of Holy Week and celebrates Jesus' arrival in Jerusalem riding on a donkey. Crowds of people came out of the city to greet him, throwing down palm branches on the road.
Anglican and Roman Catholic churches give out small crosses made from palm leaves, as a reminder of Jesus' entrance into Jerusalem and his death on the cross. Some Christians keep these in their homes all year as a symbol of their faith.
Maundy Thursday
This is the Thursday before Easter Day
Last Supper: On Maundy Thursday Christians remember when Jesus ate the Passover meal with his disciples, breaking bread and drinking wine, which is now known as the Last Supper.
Many Christians remember this by sharing bread and wine together in a service called Holy Communion, Eucharist or Mass. It is a reminder that Jesus sacrificed his life for mankind.
At this meal Jesus told his followers that they should love and serve one another. He demonstrated this by washing the feet of the disciples - something a servant would normally do. You can read this story in the Bible in John Ch.13v1-15
The word maundy comes from the command (mandate) given by Jesus at the Last Supper, that we should love one another.
Roman Catholic church services include a ceremony in which the priest washes the feet of 12 people to commemorate Jesus' washing the feet of his disciples.
Good Friday
Good Friday is the Friday before Easter Sunday. It commemorates the execution of Jesus by crucifixion.
Good Friday is a day of mourning in church. During special Good Friday services Christians remember Jesus' suffering and death on the cross, and what this means for their faith.
In some countries, there are special Good Friday processions, or re-enactments of the Crucifixion.
The main service on Good Friday takes place between midday and 3pm. In many churches it takes the form of a meditation based on the seven last words of Jesus on the cross, with hymns, prayers, and short sermons.

From BBC

segunda-feira, 31 de março de 2014

Feriado Páscoa - Easter Holiday

Hello dear students,

Em Abril teremos o Feriado da Páscoa,
portando não haverá aula nos seguintes dias:

17/04 - Quinta-feira 18/04 -  Sexta-feira
21/04 - Segunda-feira (Tiradentes)

Enjoy your Holiday!

sexta-feira, 7 de fevereiro de 2014

Reported Speech

Let´s review the reported speech?

Mudanças ocorridas ao transformar o discurso direto para indireto

A-    Nos tempos verbais

Discurso direto

Discurso indireto
Simple present
 I live in a big house

Simple past

 He said that he lived in a big house.
Present continuous
I’m doing my homework

Past Continuous

He said (that) he was doing his homework.

Present perfect

We’ve been to the beach

Past Perfect

They said they had been to the beach.

Simple Past

I saw them at the party
Past perfect
He said he had seen them at the party

OBS: quando o verbo da oração introdutória do estilo indireto está no simple present, present perfect ou future, os tempos verbais da oração original não sofrem alteração.

They say, “we’re hungry”.  – They say (that) they are hungry.
*** They said: “we’re hungry” – They said that they were hungry.

He says, “I won’t go out tomorrow”. – He says (that) he won’t go out tomorrow.

B- Nos verbos modais

Discurso direto
Discurso indireto


I can play the drums


He said that he could play the drums


I’ll answer the phone


He said he would answer the phone

Must / have to

You must be more tolerant

Had to

He said (that) I had to be more tolerant


It may rain


It might rain

**As formas modais should, would e could não se alteram.

C- Nas referênciais pessoais

·         adjetivos e pronomes possessivos de 1° pessoa mudam para a 3° pessoa.
He said, “I can’t read with my glasses”. He said that he couldn’t read with his glasses.
They said, “We can do it”.They said that they could do it.

·         O pronome you muda para I ou we
She said: you are very lucky.” – She said I was very lucky
He said to us, “you look worried”. He told us we looked worried.
He said, “you seem tired” – He told me/us I/we seemed tired.

say something:    Be quiet, I have something to say.
say something to someone : She said nothing to me about it.

tell something to someone: He told the news to everyone he saw.
tell someone something: He told everyone he saw the news.


D- Expressões ou palavras que se alteram

Discurso direto
Discurso indireto
There / that place
That day
The day before
The next day / following morning.
Yesterday afternoon
The previous afternoon, the afternoon before
Next week / month / year
The following week/month/year
Last week /month/year
The week/month/year before
A week/month/year ago
A week/month/year before

E- Ordens e pedidos

§  No estilo direto, é comum utilizar o imperativo do verbo (forma-se com o infinitivo do verbo sem o to) para expressar uma ordem, um pedido, um comando. No discurso indireto, empregamos a seguinte estrutura:

Sujeito + verbo introdutório (tell,ask,advise,warn)  + objeto indireto + to + infinitivo

Discurso Direto: She said to Jack,  “Open the door, please.”
Discurso indireto: She told/asked Jack to open the door.

§  Se a ordem ou pedido for negativo, usamos a mesma estrutura, porém com not diante de to + infinitivo.

§  Sujeito + verbo introdutório (tell,ask,advise,warn)  + objeto indireto +  NOT to + infinitivo

Discurso direto: the teacher said to the students, “don’t talk.”

Discurso indireto: the teacher told (asked) the students not to talk.