sexta-feira, 7 de fevereiro de 2014

Reported Speech

Let´s review the reported speech?

Mudanças ocorridas ao transformar o discurso direto para indireto

A-    Nos tempos verbais

Discurso direto

Discurso indireto
Simple present
 I live in a big house

Simple past

 He said that he lived in a big house.
Present continuous
I’m doing my homework

Past Continuous

He said (that) he was doing his homework.

Present perfect

We’ve been to the beach

Past Perfect

They said they had been to the beach.

Simple Past

I saw them at the party
Past perfect
He said he had seen them at the party

OBS: quando o verbo da oração introdutória do estilo indireto está no simple present, present perfect ou future, os tempos verbais da oração original não sofrem alteração.

They say, “we’re hungry”.  – They say (that) they are hungry.
*** They said: “we’re hungry” – They said that they were hungry.

He says, “I won’t go out tomorrow”. – He says (that) he won’t go out tomorrow.

B- Nos verbos modais

Discurso direto
Discurso indireto


I can play the drums


He said that he could play the drums


I’ll answer the phone


He said he would answer the phone

Must / have to

You must be more tolerant

Had to

He said (that) I had to be more tolerant


It may rain


It might rain

**As formas modais should, would e could não se alteram.

C- Nas referênciais pessoais

·         adjetivos e pronomes possessivos de 1° pessoa mudam para a 3° pessoa.
He said, “I can’t read with my glasses”. He said that he couldn’t read with his glasses.
They said, “We can do it”.They said that they could do it.

·         O pronome you muda para I ou we
She said: you are very lucky.” – She said I was very lucky
He said to us, “you look worried”. He told us we looked worried.
He said, “you seem tired” – He told me/us I/we seemed tired.

say something:    Be quiet, I have something to say.
say something to someone : She said nothing to me about it.

tell something to someone: He told the news to everyone he saw.
tell someone something: He told everyone he saw the news.


D- Expressões ou palavras que se alteram

Discurso direto
Discurso indireto
There / that place
That day
The day before
The next day / following morning.
Yesterday afternoon
The previous afternoon, the afternoon before
Next week / month / year
The following week/month/year
Last week /month/year
The week/month/year before
A week/month/year ago
A week/month/year before

E- Ordens e pedidos

§  No estilo direto, é comum utilizar o imperativo do verbo (forma-se com o infinitivo do verbo sem o to) para expressar uma ordem, um pedido, um comando. No discurso indireto, empregamos a seguinte estrutura:

Sujeito + verbo introdutório (tell,ask,advise,warn)  + objeto indireto + to + infinitivo

Discurso Direto: She said to Jack,  “Open the door, please.”
Discurso indireto: She told/asked Jack to open the door.

§  Se a ordem ou pedido for negativo, usamos a mesma estrutura, porém com not diante de to + infinitivo.

§  Sujeito + verbo introdutório (tell,ask,advise,warn)  + objeto indireto +  NOT to + infinitivo

Discurso direto: the teacher said to the students, “don’t talk.”

Discurso indireto: the teacher told (asked) the students not to talk.